"DxInsights inside EPEMED"
An EPEMED European Knowledge Center on Personalised Medicine and Diagnostics.
EPEMED and DxInsights joined forces to launch in November 2014 an EPEMED European Knowledge Center with DxInsights Inside, a unique European library over Personalised Medicine and Diagnostics.
As a knowledge pooling tool, “DxInsights inside EPEMED” goes beyond providing information. It offers well organized interesting and comprehensive knowledge for EPEMED members on European personalised medicine and diagnostics, ranging from clinical, research, industry, regulatory, economic and education arenas.
Since October 2015, the new personalised medicine deal data as well as other industry information is now available at the European Knowledge Center. Indeed, EPEMED together with DxInsights and Diaceutics took a closer look into the details behind the numbers to provide further insights into the industry trends.
Diaceutics brings in a new focus and analysis on corporate deals and partnerships in Personalised Medicine with a review of mergers and acquisitions deals publicly disclosed via press releases and news outlets.
The 3 organisations brings together on the web the largest international database in the field. As this initiative evolves, they intend to expand personalised medicine and diagnostic insights inside the European landscape, and create a unique educational experience for their community of members, experts and partners with a quick reference and only integrated portal of key industry facts.
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