Refining Processes for the Co-Development of Genome-Based Therapeutics and Companion Diagnostic Tests
The initial fruits of the human genome project are beginning to be seen,
with novel technologies based on genomic information being implemented
in clinical practice.Download file (607.59 kB) -
Les Progrès de la Génétique: vers une Médecine de Précision?
La Commission des affaires sociales de l’Assemblée nationale a saisi l’OPECST d’une demande d’étude sur les enjeux scientifiques, technologiques, éthiques et juridiques de la médecine personnalisée.Download file (4.27 MB) -
Use of '-omics' Technologies in the Development of Personalised Medicine
Although no official definition of personalised medicine exists, for the purpose of this document, and given its context, personalised medicine refers to a medical model using...Download file (263.27 kB) -
Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics: The Essentials of Diagnostics Series
Diagnostic tests are the foundation of a successful health care system, providing critical information that health care providers and patients need to make the right medical decisions. Diagnostics often provide objective, quantitative...Download file (684.49 kB) -
Realising the Potential of Stratified Medicine
Although patient treatment has always been personalised by clinicians based upon individual circumstance and medical history, advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of diseases are redefining how diseases...Download file (1.65 MB) -
Challenges in the Development and Reimbursement of Personalised Medicine
Similar to the positioning of Odysseus’ ship between Scylla and Charybdis, One personalized medicine technologies are currently caught between expectations of improving health outcomes...Download file (401.03 kB) -
Bridging the Gap: Why some People are not offered the Medicines that NICE recommends
The bisphosphonate analysis gives a different picture to the results of national audits of the people at highest risk. 2,3 In this group the audits suggest under-use. On the other hand, some argue...Download file (348.70 kB) -
Researchers Predict that Aging Populations in Europe Will Increase Clinical Pathology Laboratory Testing
Study evaluated the Western European market for in vitro diagnostic manufacturers. Are clinical laboratories in the United States and other developed nations around the world capable of meeting the expected surge of medical laboratory testing...
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EuropaBio - PM, Status quo and Challenges
Personalised medicine is providing the right treatment, to the right patient at the right time by using modern biology’s new methods and tools. Practically, this approach combines diagnostic and therapeutic tools to create predictable...Download file (3.41 MB) -
Diagnostics 2011 - PWC
PwC’s Diagnostics 2011 provides an overview of M&A deal activity during the past two years and the factors driving it, the development of new prospects for early detection testing and a review of significant events for the development...Download file (1.11 MB) -
Getting Personal Over Personalized Medicine
Optimists are seizing on personalized medicine as the future panacea for all ills. Pessimists are increasingly skeptical over both the concept and the prospects. Both sides came together in Brussels in mid-May, at the European...
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European Biobanks and Sample Repositories - Relevance to Personalised Medicine
New and emerging technologies based on improved molecular profiling and a better understanding of factors that lead to or protect individuals from illness are currently challenging the existing structures for healthcare delivery...Download file (1.98 MB) -
Bridging the Drug-Diagnostic Divide
Personalized medicine has been hailed as a transformational force for the pharma industry for over a decade. But a report released in April by consulting firm Diaceutics finds that few firms have developed the requisite...Download file (603.44 kB) -
Developing stratified medicines in the UK
The UK holds a favourable position in the development of stratified medicines through strong scientific innovation, robust biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries and comparatively simple regulatory and reimbursement processes...Download file (158.84 kB) -
Overview of CDx in the pharmaceutical industry
Spring 2010, Edition of Drug discovery World...
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Activities to improve the Regulatory Framework for Companion Diagnostics step up
Personalised Medicine aims to provide the right treatment to the right patient, at the right dose and at the right time. It is cutting-edge approach that involves co-ordinating diagnostic and therapeutic tools to tailor medicines....Download file (179.10 kB) -
The Future of MDX 2010
Molecular diagnostics involves the measurement of DNA, RNA, proteins or metabolites in order to detect genotypes, mutations or biochemical changes in the body. The objective is to test for specific states of health or to see if disease exists...Download file (476.97 kB) -
Pricing & Reimbursement Statregies for DX
Reimbursement of diagnostics is a key issue for both diagnostic providers and payors because while only 5-7% of the hospital cost is incurred by diagnostics, they are used for around 70% of healthcare decisions...Download file (1.06 MB) -
Case for Personalised Medicine
A tectonic shift is taking place in medicine. For the average patient the movement is subtle, perhaps imperceptible, but ultimately it will affect the entire landscape of our healthcare system. Since the mapping of the human...Download file (537.69 kB) -
Vital Signs - Stratified Medicine: Elements and Implementation
The transformation of medicine from an art to becoming a science is certainly driven by technology innovation and our ever increasing information processing capabilities. One of the most dramatic shifts in medical outlook that has begun...Download file (394.92 kB) -
The Microeconomics of Personalised Medicine
Personalized medicine’ promises to increase the quality of clinical care and, in some cases, decrease health-care costs. Despite this, only a handful of diagnostic tests have made it to market, with mixed success...Download file (372.70 kB)