EPEMED Annual Conference 2014
Paying for Personalised Medicine and Implementation in Patient Care
EPEMED Annual conference 2014 / 3rd Health Economics & Personalised Medicine Symposium - Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cancer Institute.
Access a replay of the EPEMED sessions
Iain Miller, Ph.D., EPEMED Board Secretary and Founder of Healthcare Strategies Group
Best Practices and Emerging Trends for Market Access to Personalised Medicine in the US and EU. Conclusions and final recommendations from the EPEMED La Charite study together with the US perspective.
Guido Brink, Vice President Regulatory Affairs & EU Market Access, Agendia
Regulatory and market access hurdles in Europe for Molecular diagnostics biomarkers: the practical experience of a personalized Medicine European leader
Angelo Paci, Chef du Service de Pharmacologie & d’Analyse du Médicament (SIPAM), Institut Gustave Roussy France
At the clinician level: practical aspects of PM implementation. Financing the access to innovation
Werner Verbiest, Global Head Janssen Diagnostics
Experiences and perspectives from a PM/CDx Industry Player
Sander Brinkhof, MSc, University of Twente
Educating stakeholders on the importance
All presentations are available at http://www.utwente.nl/mb/htsr/symposium/
This event was organised jointly with the MIRA Research Institute of the University of Twente (the Netherlands), the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle (USA), the University of York (UK), UMIT in Hall (Austria) and CRP-Santé and EPEMED (both based in Luxembourg).
The symposium provided a platform for an international group of speakers to share new insights and perspectives over patient access to Personalised Medicine (PM) and their implementation in patient care.
The sessions successively explored the challenges of reimbursing innovative cancer medicines, the implementation of PM from the perspective of both the oncologist and the patient, and finally difficulties in the uptake of biosimilars. Reimbursement issues in a number of national contexts, including Germany, France and the US were addressed, as well as the particular problems arising from the use of companion diagnostics and next-generation sequencing.
In practice, how do these technologies translate to European patients? How public initiatives are accelerating adoption of PM among clinicians? What kind of financing schemes are available? What is the impact on PM and diagnostic manufacturers? How their contribution is going to accelerate adoption? These are the practical questions EPEMED answered to complete the perspectives in making personalised medicine a reality for European patients with specific recommendations.
Indeed, EPEMED and La Charité Berlin identified gaps deficiencies and the remaining hurdles in terms of HTA evaluation, pricing, reimbursement and distribution of personalised medicine innovations in the major EU countries. EPEMED presented the final outcome of this work and proposed its recommendations based on expert opinion on what should be the way forward for a complete assessment and economic evaluation of PM. However, deciphering the access challenges to a better health for European patients also means educating stakeholders on the breakthrough role of personalised medicine and diagnostics. The dissemination of the latest information on PM worldwide is in fact a prominent need. To that extent, EPEMED unveiled the most important European knowledge data center. The presentation of this unique library over Personalised Medicine and Diagnostics, elaborated in partnership with DxInsights, concluded the session before closing the day with an interactive discussion panel.
If you would like to get in touch with the speakers or have any questions, feel free to contact us at contact@epemed.org