A Non Profit Organization
EPEMED Luxembourg asbl is a non-profit organization under the Luxembourg law, registered in Luxembourg at 59, rue du dix Octobre, L-7243 Luxembourg Bereldange.
The organisation is directed by an Executive Director comprised of a dynamic and diverse group of European leaders in the personalised medicine field, who have great expertise in the application and development of diagnostic tools to deliver improved patient care.
Pablo Jordan is Head of Diagnostics Partnering at GSK.
In his role he is responsible for fostering Personalised Medicine programs in conjunction with Diagnostics partners to better stratify patients and deliver more effective drugs to patients.
Pablo has a passion for delivering enhanced diagnostics solutions for patients that will bring value and modernize healthcare systems.
Pablo brings many years of experience in Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine. He was Executive Vice President of Business Development at DEFINIENS, the tissue phenomics Company. Vice President Oncology and Companion Diagnostics for bioMérieux leading the Company efforts to develop innovative Companion Diagnostics solutions. He held different international senior roles: with Roche he was in charge of Alliance Management with Pharma Companies such as Sanofi and Genzime within a very rich portfolio from Drug Discovery to Development. He had as well various international marketing roles at Ventana with major product launches as well as several business roles in Millipore and Equifax.
Pablo holds a Master’s degree in Economy from Université Paris II Assas and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and completed a Company executive management program at the London Business School.
Pablo lives in the UK and has two children.